Sunday, April 8, 2012

NTS_Jesus Rose from the Dead_04.08.12

Jesus Rose from the Dead: 

(Matthew 27-28: Luke 24)

What you need to do and what you want to do

Desire vs. Will

Idealism vs. Realism

Religion vs. Relationship

- Someone rising from the dead? (dismiss resurrection or seek explanation)
- Jury duty = weighing the evidence


- Saturday = preparation for Sabbath (not for the Passover)
- Jewish day began at 6:00 PM on Friday = conversation could have occured anywhere between 6 PM Friday and 6 PM on Saturday

- Chief Priests = those that had condemmed Jesus to death, Parisees (opposed Jesus through his public ministry)
- Two groups went to request a guard for the tomb (before Pilate)
- Judas = spread word to the authorities (...rise again in 3 days / Matt 16:21; ...arrest, death, ressurection / 17:22-23; ...Jesus taught on the way / 20:19)
- Jesus = (...experience resurrection in three days / 12:40, John 2:19-21; ...event recorded to tear temple down in 3 days / Matthew 26:61)
- Disciples = could steal the body to confirm the resurrection
- Disciples, Judas, Chief Priests = secure the tomb and guard the tomb...great steps to protect the tomb and the body
- The Guard = lose the body them punishable by death / applied a substance (wax?) as a seal on the tomb...seal / if body was stolen, why did they not bring it out when Christianity began to spread?

- Jesus = did not die but "swooned" or passed out (...profession soldier and death before burial...varified and did not break legs after verification...spear and piercing of the side...blood and water from emotional or physical anguish / John 19:31-34)
- Deception = Chief Priests referred to Jesus as the "deceiver" but prevented Jesus from ever "decieving" (i.e. the possible deception)...all disciples except John died horrible deaths because of a hoax (?)


- Angel = (after the resurrection) hurry and go tell the disciples … He is going ahead of you into Galilee (returned to location mentioned before death / confirmation of promise / Matthew 26:32)

WHO = 
- Joseph (rich man) = (offers a "new" tomb / Matthew 27:60) … used tomb then mistaken for another body in the tomb but new then only one body (vs. a "family" tomb)
- The women (preparing the body) = died at 3:00 PM and Sabbath began at 6:00 PM / no time to prepare the body for burial … to woman went to the wrong tomb (vs. 61) … the came back on Friday to finish the process

- Prepared Jesus and took him to the wrong tomb?
- Violent Earthquake = angel rolled the stone to the entrance away (Matthew 28:2 / …called women to see the empty tomb)
- "He Is Not Here" / angel = saw where Joseph's tomb was (27:61)
- The guards protected the wrong tomb (fell in fear at the earthquake)
- "Has" been resurrected … passive (Jesus did not raise himself)
- Angel = "come and see the place where He lay" … disciples did not take the body, the soldiers did not take the body, the women did not go to the wrong tomb

EYEWITNESS ACCOUNTS (LUKE 24:13-16, 32-33, 35)

- event that happened the same day as the resurrection of Jesus
- Two of the disciples mentioned in Luke 24:9 as “all the rest” had heard the stories of the resurrection, but they had not yet seen the risen Christ
- village called Emmaus [eh MAY uhs], a town about seven miles from Jerusalem, they contemplated the incredible stories that they had heard on that incredible day
- Luke said that they were discussing and arguing. People who had not yet seen Jesus had their own explanations for what might have happened—further evidence the believers were not carrying out some elaborate hoax by stealing Jesus’ body. They were baffled by all they had heard. However, something important transpired to meld their discussion and arguments into belief—Jesus appeared to them.

- coming near to them and walking along with them. As any person on a road might do, Jesus overtook the traveling duo and joined in the walk with them. This was not unusual in that day, because safety in numbers discouraged people from walking alone
- the men were prevented from recognizing Jesus. Many Bible students understand Luke to mean that the disciples did not recognize Jesus because God prevented them from doing so. Often people did not recognize the risen Jesus at first contact with Him (John 20:14-15; 21:4). The time was not right for Jesus to reveal Himself to them. He would do so through the Scriptures and through His actions in serving a supper to them, reminding them of the time when He broke bread with His disciples in the upper room.
- Jesus asked the travelers about their conversation, and they stopped, “discouraged,” probably that they did not have answers to their own questions (Luke 24:17). One of the disciples named Cleopas asked in amazement how the unrecognized walker could have been in Jerusalem without hearing the stories of the supernatural events. The travelers proceeded to present the story of Jesus’ arrest, crucifixion, and burial (vv. 19-21). These events were facts. However, then they told the latest developments of how the women had arrived at the tomb and did not see a body but an angel (vv. 22-23).
- Jesus began to explain the Scriptures to the travelers. He explained how the death of Jesus, as the Messiah, was predicted by Moses and the Prophets. As He explained the Scriptures, the disciples’ hearts were ablaze with anticipation and excitement. However, they still did not recognize that the One walking with them was Jesus. Only when they invited Him to stay with them, as He reclined at the table, broke bread, and blessed it, did they realize what was happening. As He distributed the bread, they recognized that the visitor was Jesus.
- The two disciples acknowledged that as Jesus had taught them the Scriptures, their hearts burned within them. They knew that the things they heard were real. Jesus was explaining the Scriptures to them. (See this lesson’s word study on “Explaining.”) The disciples did not wait around and bask in their new truth. That very hour the disciples returned to Jerusalem to share their story. They found the Eleven (the apostles minus Judas who had killed himself), and they shared their eyewitness testimony with those who had gathered.
- In their witness to the others, the two disciples from Emmaus began to describe what had happened and how He was made known to them in the breaking of the bread. They clearly were impressed that Jesus had been revealed to them in a unique way as they gathered for fellowship around the table. In the future as the church would gather around the Lord’s Supper table, they also had the assurance that Jesus would gather with them (Matt. 18:20).
Word Study: Explaining (Luke 24:32)
The word translated “explaining” (dianoigo) in Luke 24:32 is literally the word for “opening.” The same phrase occurred in Acts 17:3, where Paul explained the gospel to the Thessalonians by opening the meaning of Scripture to them about the Messiah’s death. In Luke 24:32, Jesus opened the truths of Scripture so that the disciples could understand them. The same word occurs in the previous verse in verbal form to describe how Jesus opened the eyes of the disciples who were blinded to who He was. In verse 31, the word is passive, emphasizing that God, not the two themselves, opened their eyes to recognize Jesus. In verse 32, the verb is active, emphasizing that Jesus opened the Scriptures to them.


John 19
[31] The Jews therefore, because it was the preparation, that the bodies should not remain upon the cross on the sabbath day, (for that sabbath day was an high day,) besought Pilate that their legs might be broken, and that they might be taken away.

Notice the sabbath spoken of was a "high day"! Besides the weekly 7th day Sabbath God also gave us additional sabbath days, which were called "high days". These "high days" or “high Sabbaths” were to be observed in the same way the 7th day sabbath was. Let's look at a few of them;

First let's find God's weekly 7th day sabbath;

[8] Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.
[9] Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work:
[10] But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates:

[3] Six days shall work be done: but the seventh day is the sabbath of rest, an holy convocation; ye shall do no work therein: it is the sabbath of the LORD in all your dwellings.

Notice not only are we to rest, but we are also to have an holy convocation and no work is to be performed. This let's us know that it is a sabbath day of the Lord.

Now on to some of God's 'high day' Sabbaths;

[5] In the fourteenth day of the first month at even is the LORD's passover.
[6] And on the fifteenth day of the same month is the feast of unleavened bread unto the LORD: seven days ye must eat unleavened bread.
[7] In the first day ye shall have an holy convocation: ye shall do no servile work therein.
[8] But ye shall offer an offering made by fire unto the LORD seven days: in the seventh day is an holy convocation: ye shall do no servile work therein.

In the 7th and 8th verse above God tells us of (2) sabbath days; the day after the passover is called the first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread and it is a sabbath day. The 7th day is also a sabbath day. Since these are not the normal 7th day sabbath the nation of Israel called these days 'high days' or 'high sabbaths'. These feast days are not fixed days. God uses the moon to start and end the months so these days did not always fall on the same day every year.

Because of this it is possible to have MORE than one Sabbath in a seven day period. This was the case when Jesus was crucified.

Now let’s read the events leading up to Jesus death, burial and resurrection;

In the week that Jesus died, Passover started on the evening of what we now call Tuesday. Tuesday evening, which was actually the beginning of their next day which is our Wednesday evening, Jesus ate the passover meal with His disciples. Late that night our savior was captured and sentenced to death. All that night He was beaten and tortured. That morning, our Wednesday, still being the passover day, He was put on the cross. Around the 9th hour (3pm) He died, just as the passover lamb was supposed to do; be killed on the passover. Just before the sun went down, around the 12th hour (6pm) our savior was laid to rest. Since the next day, which started at sunset, was the first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread, a 'high sabbath', NOT the weekly sabbath, Mary and the other Mary prepared spices and rested seeing it was a sabbath. Remember now, sundown starts the next day. So that means the first day of the Feast of Unleavened bread started on what we call Wednesday evening. Wed. evening to Thurs. evening Christ was in the grave for 24hrs., (1day and 1 night). Thurs. evening to Fri. evening Christ was in the grave for another 24hrs., (1 day and 1 night). And from Fri. evening to Sat. evening He was in the grave for another 24hrs., (1 day and 1 night). At which time, 3 days and 3 nights, exactly 72hrs. later, he was raised by the Father.

Now let’s confirm the feast Jesus kept with His disciples;

[2] Ye know that after two days is the feast of the passover, and the Son of man is betrayed to be crucified.
[17] Now the first day of the feast of unleavened bread the disciples came to Jesus, saying unto him, Where wilt thou that we prepare for thee to eat the passover?

Mark 14
[1] After two days was the feast of the passover, and of unleavened bread: and the chief priests and the scribes sought how they might take him by craft, and put him to death.
[12] And the first day of unleavened bread, when they killed the passover, his disciples said unto him, Where wilt thou that we go and prepare that thou mayest eat the passover?

Luke 22
[1] Now the feast of unleavened bread drew nigh, which is called the Passover.
[7] Then came the day of unleavened bread, when the passover must be killed.
[8] And he sent Peter and John, saying, Go and prepare us the passover, that we may eat.
[11] And ye shall say unto the goodman of the house, The Master saith unto thee, Where is the guestchamber, where I shall eat the passover with my disciples?

Jesus ate the passover meal with His disciples and that same day was killed. It was the only day He could die. For Jesus was our passover, and just like the passover lamb had to die the day of the passover, so did our Lord.

Now there are those that say, “Well the Jews of the day counted any part of a day as a day.” They say this so that they can continue to keep Good Friday and Easter Sunday, the traditions of man.

Well let’s put their thinking to the test and just use logic to see if it would even stand today.

Let’s say it’s Fri. and the time is 11:56:00pm and a person is due to be buried today; on Friday. Now if the person is laid to rest and is in the grave at 11:59:59 it is still Fri, but was that person in the ground for any real part of Fri? Of course not! Because 1 second later, 00:00:01 the day Fri. is over, and it is now Saturday. So could you really say the person was buried for (2) days, Fri and Sat?

Before answering…..let’s read how Jesus measured a day;

John 11
[9] Jesus answered, Are there not twelve hours in the day? If any man walk in the day, he stumbleth not, because he seeth the light of this world.

Did you catch that? Jesus Christ Himself just told us how HE reckons a day to be. And Jesus said a day has TWELVE HOURS!!! So do I really care how the Jews of His time calculated their days? I could care less!

To put Jesus statement another way;

For as Jonas was three days x (12hrs) and three nights x (12hrs) in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.

According to logic and the fact that Jesus Himself gave us the timeframe He considers a day to be, He had to be in the grave for 72hrs.

Now 72hrs. from a Fri. evening burial would give you a Mon. evening resurrection. Doesn’t work!

But 72hrs. from a Wed. evening burial gives you just what God’s word says;

[1] In the end of the sabbath, as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week, came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to see the sepulchre.

And was Jesus in the tomb when they arrived? Let’s read;

[5] And the angel answered and said unto the women, Fear not ye: for I know that ye seek Jesus, which was crucified.
[6] He is not here: for he is risen, as he said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay. 

Did Christ Die on Friday? 

The Chronology of Christ's Resurrection and Crucifixion

Christian Doctrine Debate & Discussion Forum

Sunday, March 11, 2012

NTS_On Prayer_03.11.12

Who is this guy? (David)
- David and Goliath (1 Samual 17:12-50)
- Saul's Jealously of David (1 Samual 18:1-30)
- David Spares Saul's Life (1 Samual 24:1-22)
- David and Bathsheba (2 Samual 11:1-27)
- LEGACY... David's Mighty Men (2 Samual 23:8-23)
- Famous Last Words (2 Samual 23:2-7)

SONG = In Christ Alone

What a relief! He hears me...see bottom of the post = Andy Davenport / YL / Fayette County

READ PSALM 86 = Each one read one...

Psalm 86 . This is an individual lament, geared (as many of these laments are) to a situation in which “a band of insolent men seek my life” (v. 14 ). The psalm confesses that the Lord is “good and forgiving” (v. 5 ), acknowledging that the singer's own sins may have contributed to his enemies' plans. The psalmist explicitly grounds his request in Ex. 34:6 , a fundamental confessional statement of the OT (Ps. 86:15 ; cf. vv. 5 , 13 ); he also prays for a “united” heart to live faithfully to God (v. 11 ). The middle of the psalm strikingly professes faith in one God, to whom all nations shall come (vv. 8–10 )—another vital OT theme. This is the only psalm of David in Book 3 of the Psalms; the last one encountered was Psalm 70 , and the next one will be Psalm 101 .

Why can you count on God?

1) First is the genuineness of his faith (v. 2 , I am godly . . . who trusts in you)
2) Second is the earnestness with which he prays, relying on the Lord, not other gods (vv. 3–4 , to you do I cry all the day . . . to you, O Lord, do I lift up my soul)
3) Third is the crucial confession of God's benevolent character, as revealed in the Pentateuch (v. 5 , you, O Lord, are good and forgiving, abounding in steadfast love to all who call upon you).
*Everyone who sings this prayer from the heart may be assured of God's attention.*

SONG = You Never Let Go

When teachable moments come along, are you ready?

86:11 Teach me your way. Cf. 25:8 , 12 ; 27:11 ; 32:8 (and note on 25:4–5 ). The Bible regularly pictures the moral course of one's life as a “way” or path, and one's conduct as a “walk” or journey. A faithful person seeks instruction in the ways that please God in order to learn how better to walk in God's truth. Unite my heart, i.e., make it “one” (cf. Jer. 32:39 ), undivided in its loyalty (so that all of it can give thanks, Ps. 86:12 ).
- How much of your time do you fill with God's Word?
- How much of your time to you fill with other hobbies and interests?
- Is your heart united or divided in the loyality it claims?

Part of worshiping God through prayer involves asking Him to intercede in our lives. Our world doesn’t look favorably on needy people—a mindset that has trickled into our relationship with God. We ask Him to intercede for others but (often subconsciously) retain the burden of our struggles, thinking we can handle them. This is pride. (Big, small, good bad...did you feel good that you do this? Prideful that you already submit to God? Are you interceding for others?)

Connect with God

One of the takeaways from this week’s study is our desperate need for diligent prayer lives. God desires us to continually call out to Him. (See 1 Thessalonians 5:17.) While it’s easy to protest that we’re too busy to pray, the truth is we’re too busy not to. We need God desperately, and He has graciously made Himself available to us. Here are a few ways to make prayer a more important part of your life. Get in the habit of prayer, then continue to add opportunities to this list.

• Pray every time you’re reminded of prayer throughout the day.
• Designate set times for prayer. When you wake up and before you go to bed are two key opportunities. You can also pray before your lunch break or during your morning and afternoon commutes. If prayer is planned, we’re more apt to follow through.
• Journal your prayers. Take time to sit down and write them out.
• Enlist a prayer partner to increase your prayer life. You don’t have to always meet for prayer, but together you can be accountable for following through on designated prayer times.
• Come up with a brief phrase to pray throughout the day. For example, if you know you’re going to face challenging times today, pray, “God, be my strength.” Stay connected to God throughout your entire day.

Connect as a Couple

“Couples who pray together, stay together.” When we involve our spouse in our relationship with God, it has a profound impact on our marriage. This week, try the following:

• Commit to a time of prayer together for seven consecutive days.
• In this time together, be diligent to pray for each other and the needs you each have this week.
• Take turns praying to God for help and guidance in your marriage.
• Ask God for forgiveness in the areas where you’ve been selfish and self-serving, and ask Him to give you the grace you need to show your spouse.
• Ask God to help you be models of Christlike service this week.


As you rise today will you beg of God to give you Jesus?
Thank you Jesus for allowing us to have access to the Holy One who hears our cries.
Your prayers have not gone unheard before the throne of our Father.
Transforming marriages.
Calling the broken and hurting to a restored relationship that can only come through Jesus. We are watching people, our family, being set free from the lies of the evil one.
Truth is being spoken into each other's lives.
It's a beautiful place today.
...your partnership in prayer has amplified the cries for help before our King. We are longing to see restoration.
I am so proud of my wife.
...she has fallen at the feet of Jesus and surrendered to Him and it is so attractive.
Not only did it prepare our hearts for this, but it's drawn us closer in our relationship and it's drawn me to be with Jesus.
And now I am watching a community see Jesus in her countenance, her words and her heart. She has been strong for everyone else, yet her tender heart needs time to mourn.
Pray for her today.
We are unsure what seeds of salvation have been planted, but we trust God is doing a mighty work because of your cries for mercy on our behalf.
May this death bring life!
Give me Jesus!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

NTS_Everyday Faith_02.26.12


 Chips to eat ... Why do you come back for more?
- Can't eat just one

 Be Thou My Vision / Ginny Owens (blind)
- I can see clearly now the rain is gone ... washed _______ away.

 Why the garden = Where have we been, where are we now, and where are we going?
- Past Lessons: Lord of Everything, Head of the Church, Grace-Driven Belief
- Personal Faith: Everyday Faith
- And the winner is ... Hebrews 12:1

 Soil Testing = Acidic or Alkaline (see right through ... what to add ... what to take away)
- Approaching relationships and responsibilities

  • Leaders shape the organization culture whether they intend to or not
  • Leaders think in ways they can count
  • Leaders INHERIT the organization culture
  • The leader adapts to the culture or is shaped by the culture (Thriving on Chaos,   Tom Peters (What are the driving forces behind the organization?  What might be disrupted if intervention is pre-term or an ineffective change is made?  What drives and maintains this health culture?  Why are they great or why are they not great?)
  • No one effects the culture of the organization more than the leader / leader(s)
  • Time in erodes awareness of ... (the longer a leader is anywhere the less aware they are of your surroundings = good, bad, healthy, unhealthy)
  • Evaluations = Members evaluate the organization 
  • There needs to be a tool in place to monitor the culture of the organization
  • Feedback is vital to assess current status (seen, heard, experienced)
  • The longer leaders are in place, the more unclear the surroundings become / leaders allow the culture to continue or are the direct catalysts for change
  • Healthy cultures attract and keep healthy people
  • Unhealthy people are comfortable in unhealthy environments
  • Healthy people have low tolerance for disfunction (leave and cannot stay there)
  • Unhealthy people are not happy in healthy organizational cultures
  • An investment in culture attracts and maintains great people
  • Indicators of an unhealthy culture: 
  • Drama = unhealthy (more drama) / healthy (get the job done and less drama surrounding the objective)
  • Sense of being self-focused = inward vs. outward focused
  • "Sideways" energy = a lot of activity without a lot of progress and productivity
  • The culture of an organization impacts the long-term effect of the organization = productivity correlates with culture 
  • Communication
  • Transparency
  • Unfiltered debate
  • Territorial 
  • Collaboration (in healthy organization structures ... examples): 
  • The boss does not micromanage
  • People don't get their feelings hurt
  • People don't feel left out
  • The boss does not have to be in every meeting
  • Unhealthy culture = buttoned up, red tape, top down (slows down progress and productivity)
  • Unhealthy cultures are slow to adapt to change
  • The churches that grow and change the fastest are the churches that are not focused on their church members
  • Inward focus (he says, she says, why is the boss talking
  • to (him/her)
  • In unhealthy cultures people resist change
  • Necessity = act, react, and flex with the market place
 Why baking soda and vinegar
- Indicators / measurable results

 What do we have to work with? (Colossians 3:5-10)
- Moral climate faced everyday

 What is in the soil?
- In what areas of your life to you feel the most pressing need for renewal?

 What are you going to plant? (Colossians 3:12-17)
- Describe practice ways you can "put on" or "plant" Jesus' love.

 How much work will it take?
- Why is unity important in our relationships?  What happens without it?

 I've never planted a garden ... How do I begin? (Colossians 3:18-21)
- How can practicing submissions strengthen your faith?
- "Obey" vs. "Submission" (vs.18) / gracefully loved and gracefully loving / violates trust and love then also the whole family system

 How do we keep the weeds out? (Colossians 4:5-6)
- Grow in the garden?
- In which situations is it easiest for you to talk gracefully, using language seasoned with salt?  - In which situations is it most challenging?

 How do we keep the pests out?
- Come into the garden from the outside?
- Prayerful defense

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Sunday, February 12, 2012

NTS_Grace-Driven Belief_02.12.12

Balloon = stretching, blowing, tying, popping, lasting, transforming

Penny Lip = what is a penny, who are we, does the penny define our self?

Introduction to Studying the Bible = HERE

The Baptist Faith and Message = HERE


Saturday, February 4, 2012

NTS_Lord Of Everything_02.05.12

SS Class Notes = HERE
SS Learning Guide = HERE
Give Me Jesus = HERE

In the morning when I rise
In the morning when I rise
In the morning when I rise, give me Jesus.
Give me Jesus.
Give me Jesus.
You can have all this world, give me Jesus.

And when I am alone
Oh and when I am alone
And when I am alone, give me Jesus.
Give me Jesus.
Give me Jesus.
You can have all this world, give me Jesus.

And when I come to die
Oh and when I come to die
And when I come to die, give me Jesus.
Give me Jesus.
Give me Jesus.
You can have all this world, 
You can have all this world,
You can have all this world, but give me Jesus.

  • As you rise today will you beg of God to give you Jesus?  
  • Thank you Jesus for allowing us to have access to the Holy One who hears our cries.  
  • Your prayers have not gone unheard before the throne of our Father.  
  • Transforming marriages.  
  • Calling the broken and hurting to a restored relationship that can only come through Jesus.  We are watching people, our family, being set free from the lies of the evil one.  
  • Truth is being spoken into each other's lives.  
  • It's a beautiful place today.  
  • ...your partnership in prayer has amplified the cries for help before our King.  We are longing to see restoration.
  • I am so proud of my wife.  
  • ...she has fallen at the feet of Jesus and surrendered to Him and it is so attractive.  
  • Not only did it prepare our hearts for this, but it's drawn us closer in our relationship and it's drawn me to be with Jesus.  
  • And now I am watching a community see Jesus in her countenance, her words and her heart.  She has been strong for everyone else, yet her tender heart needs time to mourn.  
  • Pray for her today.
  • We are unsure what seeds of salvation have been planted, but we trust God is doing a mighty work because of your cries for mercy on our behalf.  
  • May this death bring life!  
  • Give me Jesus!  

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Helping Kids Hide God's Word in Their Hearts


  daily broadcast direct = email resources and updates from broadcasts

  • Wellspring = Thoughts, Words, Actions
  • The heart comes first (parents to kids)
  • World's Message = Pride, Seeks the World, Pleasure...adrenaline, Complain about 
  • CHRIST FIRST = Four things..."Red Trees"
    • PROVERBS 22:4:
    • Be poor in spirit
    • MATTHEW 5:3:
    • Riches and honor?
    • We are "spiritual preemies"...totally dependant on God for everything
    • JAMES 4:6:
    • JAMES 4:7-12 (ties it all together):
    • LOVE the Lord with all of heart, soul, mind, strength (whole self)
    • CREED: 
      • A. Honor God
      • B. Honor Others
      • C. Honor God's Creation
    • DEUTERONOMY 6:4-9: 
    • The Lord is God...His is one...branded on kid's hearts...teach diligently ALL THE TIME
    • DUETERONOMY 6:9:
    • KEEP = Live inside of you (me)
    • ABIDE in love
    • Opposite is often true (teen pleasure...immediate gratification)
    • Go for the EXTREME (d  i  s  t  r  a  c  t  i  o  n)
    • Consider a LIFE EXPERIENCE
    • Make vs. reveal heart
    • The changes is in the heart (living the LIE...)
      • JAMES 1:19-20:
      • PHILIPPIANS 4:6-9 (MAIN...9):
      • ROMANS 5:3-5
      • MATTHEW 5:10-11:
    • Thankfulness for ALL things
    • Scripture and FREEDOM
      • GALATIANS 5:13-14:
    • Humble Self
    • Love God
    • Love Others
    • Rejoice In Trials

Sunday, January 15, 2012

NTS_Fight Injustice_01.15.12

Injustice could be a crux that we get stuck on and develop our own itinerary and plan to address.  We could be GOOD PEOPLE and make light of issues without continuing in our relationship with Christ...what images do we have burned in our minds of Christ?  Do we make Him out to be like us or are we really understanding that we are made in HIS image and He is not made in OUR image?

The idea that we can get angry needs to be monitored:   Are we keeping ourselves from getting angry?  Why is anger beneficial?  How would we handle anger and injustice if we NEW God more instead of knowing more ABOUT God?


Is God "Big Enough" reminded and worship because of his promises (ones kept, ones to come) = 


Saturday, January 7, 2012

Class Reflection_01.08.12

We are challenged to Walk In The Light...

What does this look like?

We should imitate God's love (Ephesians 5:1-5)

There should be a change in behavior (Ephesians 5:8-12)

We choose wisely...everything (Ephesians 5:15-16)
  • Wise person vs. a fool (Contrast = Proverbs 10:14; 14:3; 16; 29:11)
  • Understand what the Lord's will is = Ephesians 5:17
  • Making the most of time = buying or redeeming time / season, period, opportune moment
A Fragrant Offering (Leviticus 1-3)

More to reflect on this week: 

Class Reflection_01.02.12

We have begun a new study called "Life Matters".  The things that are accessible are sometimes excessible.  Consider this...<=> can we simplify?  Here are some thoughts: 

Above are some notes of reflection regarding last week's study.  Read through and see the transformation that is possible when we let go of the "defining qualities" of who we are...the things we THINK make us who we are.

- Jeff - 

Monday, January 2, 2012

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Eliminate Excess in Life / SS Notes / 12.02.11

All, for the lesson this week: 

The new year is full of change and possibility.  

Here are some thoughts to ponder...