Friday, March 13, 2009

What do we do stuff for?

Have you ever thought why you do certain things? Like read books. We read for different reasons. Maybe we read for more knowledge, or to pass time, or even for fun. What about eating? We eat to get energy. So with that said we do things for various reasons. Is there an ultimate reason why we do the everyday activities? Well I was reading 1 Corinthians 10:31 and it says "So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." Do we always do this? No, I don't always do this. Sometimes I think I am bringing glory to God when in reality I am being disopbedient. So my focus is to stay in His word and ask for the wisdom to discern the "everyday activities" that bring Him glory. Last but not least...Let us have an ATTITUDE that shows God we love Him with all of our hearts!!!!

I love our Lord Jesus!
David Stapp


Our desire is... said...

Very well said. I am constantly asking for wisdom and discernment. I have found that every time I try to do things on my own I end up failing and not glorifying Him.

JackieK said...

Expressed beautifully! Such a challenge to all of us.